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Dermal Fillers

Face and lip fillers (dermal fillers) are substances injected into your face. They fill lines and wrinkles and add volume to areas such as your lips or cheeks

Dermal Fillers are made up of a sterile gel and comes in pre packed syringes of various molecular structures ranging from very fine ( to treat smokers lines for example ) to larger molecular weight to restore deep volume ( to recreate contours of the cheeks etc ).

Scars can also be smoothed and facial contours improved with results being immediate and continuing into the following weeks.

At your consultation we will determine your needs with a comprehensive medical history in order to plan your treatment regime.

Whether nose to mouth lines or cheek augmentation fillers can give you your youthful looks back!!!


Dermal Filler

Benefits of Cryotherapy?

Think of the cryotherapy chamber as your modern day ice bath. Just three minutes at -120°c can improve muscle recovery up to 3 times quicker. It really is an affordable solution for improving your health, overall appearance and to aid in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and can aid with pain relief, reduced swelling and inflammation, increased blood circulation, calorie loss (up to 800 calories in the following 8 hours if partaking in light exercise), Muscle recovery (3 times quicker) and improved sleep quality to name a few

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